Sticks are too small to waste her time with
Only branches will do
I break a nice big one down to 5 feet
 we walk down to the stream
We could go on and on
 forever casting and fetching
I throw it out beyond the bend
 she stops as she approaches it
 her face all perplexity
 and looks into the water just under her
With a strange backward digging effort
 she thrashes
 dives her head into the water
 and exhumes a waterlogged 12–foot branch
With glee, she trots back with it
Sometimes, she’ll voraciously
 chew up an over–sized log dredged from the depths
 biting away in continuous joy and concentrated angst
 with the occasional bit of wood wedged in her teeth
 Sometimes, she’ll disintegrate the whole thing to shreds
This time, we cast and fetch
 over and over
 a rainbow in each splash
Too big for us to carry away in comfort