I’m hanging around. This nice druggy guy comes by. We drive around a little bit. He asks borrow my car, cell, and some money. He’s just going to take a nap then return them to me. I agree. I take a nap. After I wake up he hasn’t returned with it.

I want to call him but I don’t have my cell phone. That’s when I start getting suspicious. It’s been a while and he’s not back and I have no way of getting in touch with him.

So, I file the police report. I met a woman on the way out. We talk. I’d like to be lovely with her. Then I realize I don’t have a lot of things she’d expect me to have. Then I realize I never would have meet her if I hadn’t been in my situation. At some point we are hanging out in the back of a moving flatbed pickup. She helps explain to new cartography in which earth no longer seems round and explains how atoms become capsulized. I can see what we are talking about scribbled in the air as we discuss it.

I’m at my parents’ home. I bump into Mom; she asks if I’m going to do a specific thing. I’m embarrassed because I don’t have my car to do it. The same embarrassing situation happens with Dad and Brian. It’s getting to he point I’ll need to confess. Then I hear my guitar.

It’s the guy. I go and get my guitar from him. Then he gives me my car keys. Then I go to my room and see my cash on the floor. It’s all returned to me.

We get in the car to drive him home.

“First,” I tell him, “we have to go to the police station to take back the stolen car report.”

“So, you filled a stolen car report on me?”

“Yes… How how does that make you feel?”

“I thought we were buddies.”

“Well I trusted you until I realized I didn’t know how to get in touch with you.”

Then I realized I could have called my own phone to talk to him. Well, it’s going to be hard to have him think well of me now.