I’m hobbling around the apartment. There are some really old computers here: computers with screens build into the box, some screens with monochrome orange.
There is a young blond here who is a wiz; he knows all of these machines.
“About time I got rid of them,” I say.
The scene shifts; I’m in a public workroom/gymnasium.
I look up to my room; it’s at the top of a very high cinder block wall like a prison barracks. Some young, strapping men are there.
“Look at what they are doing to your hat,” someone says in mild disgrace. They hold my hat out the window/hole and rip the hat to shreds to spite me.
Some guys still have respect for me and say things to the effect of “for the sake of the old-timer”.
And, I do reach for than leash/rope and stay up, suspending gravity a while, but miss grabbing it. Then, I want to quit, but I try again and realize to get at it I have to wake up for real.