Oh, drat. That worst kind of love, that listeth, smiles anon, does not scheme, expect, or devise, is content merely to be. Oh, this gets me nowhere, is too patient, has nothing to show for itself — careless: I cannot leverage you.
Tag: heart book
I sing to you, brass belle, deep, in your frequency, a joyful tone till two smiling wench’s eyes blink knowingly, happily back at me. Enthralled, you open your mouth and bless the reverberations with ethereal delight. Us two laughing, broomless witches clasp hands in the wind and fly.
Naked matriarch crowned with lights, your scepter playfully glinting while two angel wings tickle from your back, aglow, I bow in your presence and humbly take your plump hand to lightly add that touch of sparkling polish to your fingertips. Excuse my awe as I am entranced by your fairie bright eyes as I paint silver upon your lips; then, once more bow to finish with attention to your toes.
How is this I felt the ruddy outlines of love jut from me, physically present? Not of my own will — a companion — such a gift, so precious I would never wish it harm. Yet, when I shout, “I refute thee thusly”, I rend my toe upon this happy calamity.
Toe hold
Your gaze before me, as pleasant as sparkles on the sea, I dig for the gem you carelessly dropped, the muddy ocean seeping under each paw.
The anchor tugs the bottom of my heart — a heart bobbing on the waves — trucks it on a steady journey to the bottom of the sea, to its own country with new life. Upon touching ground, a phosphorescent chain-reaction alights the ocean floor.
Heavy drops fall and wet the grass and bark. Leaves stir; darkness gathers into a grumble. My stomach churns. I, so young, gaze though the window in earnest anticipation, witness spasms of light and crashes of thunder. My organs quake with each strike. How could I and this vast tumult — am I part of nature? Is this my true mother calling me, claiming me, seeking me out? Strange rending, I confess I am you.
I took this journey for love, not death. Each night, Captain reminds me, could be my last. Each day, I'm blessed with light, wind, and salt. Strange, my being taught to command men. My duties I fulfill, thankful for my life.
Petals cry as the sunlight, so long gone, returns, oblivious to small sadness. Life pulps through cold limbs; corpuscles burn. The flower opens its eyes and takes in the sky and the fire. Red petals soak up the blues as they stretch in ecstasy and throb till they spy sunset. The joy that laughed with the sun whispers to the stars.
I’m tucked away in a small cabin ’mid your vast forest and float upon your world of love, breathing in and out your atmosphere, the stars twinkling ’neath your sun.
Tucked In Nonesuch