Barefoot to the picnic, I consume the hillside and sheltering sky leaving notes for you to brush aside and behold the landscape whereon you reside
Tag: red with flowers book
We are the living questions we need only ask
The world life such a heavy gift may I bear it all not groan under it oh perhaps I am wrong–way ’round and planting feet find solid ground
Darling, don’t fade. From your curly locks, I reconstruct the mountain airs and the earthen landscape; from your starry eyes, the heavens and the vast universe.
Hugging the bottom little pebble never knew It could break the surface breathe the air create waves and the stream would just as well pass through
Thank you for this pain these pangs of love You just beauty being I can’t get away Amo, ergo sum
Tenderly you breathe upon me moving every atom brushing through my soul Harsh lessons how is it I remain in entirety
Behold No bugbear in my woods but I and the bugs I bare Spider, mosquito, and tick I tend Scabs I once continually picked: Beauty marks Lost in my loving them
The grey–curled dryad spoke of a koi in the lake she spied years ago Koi in the lake? Disposed by someone Dispose of a koi? Why not a lake full of koi? I I hunt for this koi in this vast lake a tug on my line reveals grace–filled fins rainbow scales languid eyes from the depths startled, I cut the line regret its nursing my rusting hook blemishing its lip II I hunt for this koi in this vast lake a tug on my line reveals grace–filled fins rainbow scales languid eyes from the depths determined, I reel it in grasp it jerk out the hook as its blinking eyes wonder at my violence III I paddle in this vast lake a glimmer of light reveals grace–filled fins rainbow scales languid eyes from the depths IV I dream of a glimpse of grace–filled fins rainbow scales languid eyes from the depths
Koi Poems
Drowsy in the afternoon I daydream of how life began Where to begin? A fool to set the dial at dawn full daylight then fifteen minutes beforehand affords no preview A full hour buys an inkling of twilight’s twinkling of Daphne’s whispering embracing of the embankments away from Apollo’s attainment Even then, I have yet to see when day articulates its begin A solitary cloud on the horizon gleams the night is brushed into luxuriance by degrees the tension of the starry–eyed watchmen and their moonbeams are relieved The horizon is wreathed in ambient light out of the blue the firmament is established an ocean of clouds, rose–imbued engulf their first little plume from the ash of the trees’ leaves a remote rebel wind blows rekindling an ember which died long ago a reversal of fate crackles the wood births its master Beyond the mists, a beam strikes Behold the glob: uncontrolled fire My eyes catch her eyelash rays heat alights me; I avert my gaze knowing dawn I lumber home to begin my way occasionally glaring back resenting the triumphant orb’s overpowering glory and iridescent morning What could I do to compare with the making of the day? I just bask in it All those unanswered sunsets each have their sad goodbyes’ bright condolences I’ve slumbered in ignorance, abjured the witness of it I don’t live here, but somewhere hours hence or thence and remain lulling in jet lag, a perpetual guest Now in my seeking I send unsuspecting foxes leaping How natural it fits the pace of my body and the strengthening of my wits with dawn’s rising, when I attend to it How ready I am at the day’s sad forsaking to yield to the dream of continual awakening