Upon the advice of the sage
 Who under–valued himself
I followed my instincts
 to my grandparents’ graves
The largest orange ball I ever saw
 lingered, staring, sunsetless on the horizon
I found myself in a vast tundra
 snow anonymizing the headstones
and realized I would never find them

I found myself amid the shrubbery
 Gazing at a statue
 Some ode to summer
  I first thought of Daphne
   the cruel beckoning of innocence
Her regal repose, fully human
 rump reclining atop a vined column
 a jump–rope of flora in her hands
  changed all that
   I thought of Fragonard
Where snow buries graves
 Here, it was petals of the season
  accentuating her flowers
  As white stone escaped
   from the black barnacles of time
    in spectacular bare shoulders
     and graceful arms
Oh, gorgeous stomach
Oh, flowing, robust curves
Oh, folds, enfold me in every part
Oh, neck, throbbing with life
         whose pronounced crook
                        speaks the truth
                        take me