Let my blood course through his heart my marrow fortify his flesh my bones fashion the glint in his fangs
Tag: red with flowers book
I’ve loved the pattering of your feet little one You’ve so delighted me I fostered this atmosphere You say I bring you down; I’m clingy enough of your cackling You without me? I won’t hear it Who gave you the strength to strut gives you wings to sing
When poets have nothing to say they are silent graves Should rays delight their gaze chirp, chirp, chirp In accordance with that natural cadence the stars’ entirety and dawn’s bloom
I fashion myself a hollow reed Oh, wind cavort with me Upbraid me in melody
The pink siren–call of sunset beckons me across the lake clouds mountains of awe engulfed in reflection I embrace I embrace; I cannot otherwise Mystic visions once stood before my eyes and my so–called freewill averted my gaze Now, humbled and tamed I no longer flinch in majesty’s presence Oh, dogs, can’t you see? Am I alone bound to suffer witness?
There I was a homeless man on a trek to the pizza shop my only care in the world waiting at the intersection You pulled up passenger in a pickup truck in your beauty and your bright, blue eyes Am I worthy enough for a smile? and you gave me a smile and though it was the day after Thanksgiving it suddenly felt like Christmas and the snow seemed to be blowing around touching my nose and eyelashes and I could see you in a bonnet with the wind rushing through your skirts We must have been lovers once some kinda sisterly lovers warm underneath the blankets in our childhood but for you, your bed is the bed of a redneck And I’ll never understand you And yet you belong on that prairie with the unforgiving North Dakota winds foreboding a hard winter And I’ll never understand you with your hard, closed–minded man who don’t understand you You, wearing your red, fading handkerchief whose red never fades You, some kinda Josephine kidnapped from an aristocrat’s ball taken to some backwoods, backwards boonies where you are the only thing between hard–living and beauty And I’ll never understand you though I’m the only one who’d care to
Wild intuition foolishly sacrificing flesh and blood for heart, cow for beans; what will become of your progeny?
Sometimes an entire world must shatter to be embraced by a wider, more real, more intimate one
Look past the busy anxiety & callous calamity See the golden earth continually gifting itself to thee
Dew Drops
Bereft, take heart for an audience with God you are prepared
Blessed Job